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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  February 5, 2013 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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(male announcer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >> developing tonight at eight o-clock. three men. found shot to death in rural sonoma county. right now. sheriff's investigators are searching the home for answers. this is video of the scene from our helicopter partnership with a-b-c-7- news. the sonoma county sheriff's department tells us that the bodies of the three men were found in the home on ross station road just outside of sebastopol shortly after three this afternoon. right now. there is no word of any suspect information. we have a reporter on the scene. she is gathering new details for us. we now go to grant lodes. who has a better description of where this is all taking place. this is east of iron horse
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vineyards. a couple of miles south will continue to follow developments and back to you. >> fairfield policefairfield police are releasing new images of the 13 year old girl found murdered in alan witt park last friday. this is a recent photograph of genelle conway- allen released by police. they say, this image in particular, was snapped minutes before she was reported missing. kron 4's reggie kumar shows us the intersection where that picture was taken. >> reporter: this picture was most likely taken here at this intersection. in fairfield. police have cameras near this location and they are clearly labeled with the word police. they will not say which camera snapped this picture. major market liquor also has surveillance cameras in including this one in the back. but the managers sign
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that this is not capable of taking a clear picture of someone in a crosswalk. the investigators did it take a picture of this girl before she came into the store. >> she came into the corner. and she said that she was waiting for a ride. the fairfield police say the issue was last seen wearing a sweater, with blue jeans and a pain to backpack. awardees are expected to release more information sometime tomorrow in fairfield, reggie kumar, kron 4. >> this majora major earthquake in the south pacific has caused a tsunami in the area. the quake was an 8.0 magnitude in the solomon islands area. a tsunami about 3 feet high has been measured in the area. so far no reports of
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damage. but a tsunami warning remains in effect for several locations, including figi. a tsunami watch is in effect for american samoa, australia, new zeleand, and eastern indonesia. >> palo alto police are investigating an attempted child kidnapping. in one of that city's quiet neighborhoods. kron four's jeff bush shows you where it happened and who police are looking for palo alto police say it happened about this time of day. it was about 5:30 monday afternoon. an 11 year old girl was riding her bike along emerson streetsouthbound. that's
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when she says this man was yelling obceneties at her as she approached. that scared her but what scared here even more is when he ran out into the street and tried to grab her. she peddled harder and got away and made it home where she told her parents what had happened to her. take a look at this sketch obtained by kron four. you can see there is a high degree of detail in the sketch. the suspect is described as a white male in his 30's, about 140 to 160 pounds with balding, light color hair and round glasses. palo alto police say they are on the lookout for this man. our kids are our most valuable resource and law enforcement takes things very seriously any time a child is involved, especially and 11 year old girl. many of us have kids ourselves and this is not something we want happening anywhere in palo alto or any city in the bay area. it's scary. we don't know what this man's true motivation was and that is what is most concerning about it. >> reporter: palo alto
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police say they have increased patrols here in this area with both marked and unmarked cars. they say they want to get this guy. they want to ask him questions. they want to know what he was doing on monday afternoon. i'm jeff bush in palo alto, new at 8 oclock. kron four >> is learning how some suspected thieves, may have gotten hold of a newspapers subscriber vacation list. and then using that list to break into people's homes. this as we are getting our first look at two of the primary suspects in this case of burglaries. and as kron four's terisa estacio reports, police say, this may be an inside job. >> reporter: here is a look at the two suspects, they are identified as morgan scales and patrick piazza. both are facing multiple charges - in addition piazza has a criminal record. as kron four's terisa estacio reports, police say this may be an inside job. >> reporter: police say these are the two primary suspects - in the vacation burglaries case. morgan scales and and patrick piazza. both were arrested for vehicle theft, scales also faces posession of burglary tools and piazza for violating his parole. police say they are still piecing this crime ring
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together. but believe the two stole a honda crv from this walnut creek home. they knew the resident was out of town, because they got a hold of newspaper subscriber vacation hold list. police tell kron four that the paper has launched an investigation. but have narrowed down to possible scenarios about how the list got into the wrong hands. one someone broke into the papers headquarters. or the more likely situation, it was an inside job. someone at the paper handed over the list. police have been able to positively identify this home was on the list. but they believe there were many others. they say in the past few
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months, there has been an increase in home burglaries, with an undisclosed amount of items stolen from the homes. in addition, police say their investigation reveals, these are not the only two involved. early tuesday, they received additional leads, indicating there were more suspects involved. the list is from the bay area news group which publishes several papers including the contra times. calls into the times went unanswered. >> reporter: to recession the stock show, kron 4 news. terisa estacio. >> reporter: new tonight at 8. we are getting a look at some incredible video taken of a car crash in oakland which killed a woman who was driving a stolen s-u-v kron 4's scott rates has the video, and he walks us through what happened. a new study finds. the bay area has the second worst traffic congestion in the country, with commuters wasting - what adds up to days -sitting in their cars every year.
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kron 4's charles clifford has more... >> reporter: according to this new report from texas a and m, the bay area now has the second worst traffic congestion in the country. actually we're tied with los angeles for that dubious distinction. washington d.c. takes the top spot, where drivers spend on average 67 hours per year delayed in traffic. commuters in los angeles and the bay area wait for 61 hours, that's about two and half wasted days sitting in a car every year the metropolitan transportation commission says that basically, we are the victims of our own success. but they also say that there are efforts underway to improve traffic in the
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bay area. things like this express lane over the sonul grade could help speed things up. in san francisco, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> the 49ers are moving on. already thinking and planning ahead to next season. they were clearing out their lockers at team headquarters this morning in santa clara. quarterback colin kapernick and his team-mates could be seen trading autographs. and super bowl odyssey. it may take a while, but the players are trying to shake off the disappointing end, to an otherwise fine season. and looking forward to some time off. sports director gary radnich will have more reaction. coming up later in sports.
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in new orleans. outside experts are now being brought in. to get to the bottom of a 35-minute blackout right in the middle of the super bowl. newly released documents show. the stadium managers were actually concerned about power lines feeding into the stadium. replacement work was done just weeks before the super bowl -- still no word on exactly what caused the outage. >> jacqueline: temperatures were cooler. low 50s we are in for a slightly cooler night. 49 in fairfield. is going to get cooler for the inland valleys. clear skies. the cloud coverage is moving through the south. clear conditions in the wake of this cloud coverage but changes on thursday. this
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storm is going to be approaching us for thursday. as for the overnight hours some areas of fog for the inland valleys. tomorrow, some clouds and cooler skies but much cooler on thursday with the rainfall returning to the forecast. we will time it out. bigotahead at eight. new details starting to emerge about the dramatic conclusion to that hostage stand- off in alabama. what investigators found in the bunker where a young boy was being held captive. >> a horrific accident at a southern california elementary school. what went wrong during a simple game of "tug-of-war" and later. gas prices trending back up. what's behind this latest spike at the pump. what's behind this latest spike at the pump. when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no!
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don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up. [ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on for two whole years. from at&t. call to get u-verse tv starting at just $19 a month with our triple-play bundle. get the same great price for two years. plus now two times the internet speed than before. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable high-speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse tv starts at $19 a month with our triple-play bundle,
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with the same great price for two years. plus now get two times the internet speed than before. it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat -- same great price, two whole years, price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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experts are now being brought in. to get to the bottom of a 35-minute blackout right in the middle of the super bowl. newly released documents show. the stadium managers were actually concerned about power lines feeding into the stadium. replacement work was done just weeks before the super bowl -- still no word on exactly what caused the outage. ahead at eight. new details starting to emerge about the dramatic conclusion to that hostage stand- off in alabama. what investigators found in the bunker where a young boy was being held captive. a horrific accident at a southern california elementary school.
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what went wrong during a simple game of "tug-of-war" and later. gas prices trending back up. what's behind this latest spike at the pump. we're learning new details about the dramatic conclusion to that hostage standoff in alabama. f-b-i agents storm an underground bunker -- free a child -- and kill a kidnapper. now -- we are learning how they pulled it off. grant lodes is here with more. the family of that 5-year- old boy held hostage in an alabama bunker is rejoicing tonight.and we're learning the fbi has recovered bombs. the f-b-i rescued little ethan yesterday, then shot and killed his kidnapper, 65-year old jimmy lee dykes. family members who have visited say ethan is eating, laughing, and playing with dinosaurs tonight. the whole midland city in south-east texas is celebrating tonight, after the 6-day standoff during which dykes was holding ethan hostage in the 6 by 8 foot underground bunker. dykes boarded a bus last week, shot and killed the dirver before kidnapping the 5-year old boy. the fbi decioded to raid the bunker yesteday. after inserting a camera into the area. they say dykes demeanor gettign worse, he was no longer responding to ethan. that's when agents stormed the bunker, a firefight ensued.and agents killed dykes. the boy, ethan was not phuysically hurt, and is looking forward to celebrating his sixth birthday tomorrow. two california teenagers are in stable condition tonight. after their fingers were severed in a school game of tug- of- war. it happened yesterday at south el monte high school during lunch break. emergency workers say, the boy and girl were participating in 'spirit week' activities. somehow officials say, the rope, in a game of tug-of- war. snapped, causing the injuries. school district superintendent nick salerno says, they're trying to figure out what happened. one of the victims reportedly lost four fingers in the accident. doctors at county- usc medical center. tried to re- attach their fingers monday night. the procedures were successful. state and federal investigators are zeroning in. on the brakes of a tour
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bus that careened out of control and crashed in the san bernardino mountains sunday. killing seven people. they are trying to figure out why the driver lost control. on a two-lane highway near yucaipa. and slamed into two other vehicles. the bus was carrying 38- people from tijuana. to big bear for a day-long snow brake- mai with the european- made buthe investe mon3 the department of justice announced today. it is sticki to not charges armstr afte of investigatio that were dr case postal squad. th a sponsor o not gi forarmstrong's attorney , despi that of titles, he does not have to pay back gay marriage is one step closer in the u.k. today i allowing same sex coit's considered a sp growing list ar the egalizing same sexe he bill still needs to clear o6pr3 house of lor the pentagon is expected to make changes in its benefits policy for same couples.3the agy begin nsex spouses of servic members military bases, md car of efense secretary leon panetta is expected to make the announcement t ch supports the mo >> jacqueline: mostly sunny skies. and a much needed storm system is leading the bay area. showers lingering towards friday. temperatures will be cooling down several degrees. more on the rain but first about tomorrow. we will start the area with fog. temperatures will be cooler. we will see more clear skies. clear, cold and napa. 34 in santa rosa. also near the coast but for the inland valleys it will be 30's. upper 30's for the south bay. temperatures
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tomorrow will be made the upper 50s but we will get to 60s and palo alto. upper 50s for the east bay. and 56 in union city, concord antioch. a bit cooler along the coast. 55 in san francisco, san rafael. 60s through napa. the satellite and radar showing the cloud coverage that we saw earlier. clear skies but this system will drop down to the north for thursday. midnight, mostly clear conditions and showers in front of that band. and also along the coast that is light rainfall. here comes that main band of rainfall. through the north bay and by noon hayward, could see moderate rainfall. down to
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the south bay. we could see lingering showers would this as we go towards friday. here is a look it your extended forecast. shell reconditions not a lot of rainfall but just one- quarter of 1 in. or less in most locations. things are going to dry out and war right back up. gabe slate tech report instead gramm makes its big move to the web. coming up instagram..... >> gary: coming up :kaepernick and crabtree and jim harbaugh say goodbye. :kaepernick and crabtree and jim harbaugh say goodbye. comi well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it!
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today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. i woi rk for 47 differffent companies. well, te, chnically i workwo for one. that catompanypa, the united ss postalst service®, works rkfor thr ousands of home ombusinesses. becauscae at®, you cau n pay,pa print and haver packagesag picked up for free.
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i cai n even drop off free box. i wei ar a lot of hats. well, te, chnically i wear on. the thu.s. postal service®, no businusess too small. gabe slate tech report >> instagram is making its way to the web. if you wanted to see your news to
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feed you had to use your smart phone. you could not just to jump on a smart phones like you can with facebook but that all changes. now, when you go to insagram . com is a lot like the mobile application. a vertical stack of photographs in reverse chronological order. the biggest difference is that you cannot applaud pictures or add filters on to the website. the website is what is for patent viewing. and you still lead the mobile application to upload the photos. one thing i noticed is that there is a lot of empty space. there is a chance that facebook did
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this on purpose so there would have more areas for advertisements. they are a business. it makes sense but this is purely speculation. gabe slate tech report ♪ for over 60,000 california foster children,
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nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal.
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to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. >> an update on our developing story in the north bay. three men shot to death in a rural part of sonoma county. and what's behind the sudden spike in gas prices? kron-4 digs up the reasons for the latest pain at the
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pump. >> jacqueline: take a look our current conditions. we are going to see chilly conditions. the rainfall, later
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survive. alecia reed ijoins us. >> we do not have much information but there are reports of that three men were shot to this afternoon. we are waiting for the sheriff to come out and address the media. the house is blocked off with crime
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scene tape. the sheriff's department are inside. the flood lights are on. there are three homes and there is a cabinet. we are not able to see anything it is extremely dark. it is extremely dark. the sheriff's department is inside and we're still waiting for them to come out. they did obtain a warrant about 30 minutes ago to search the home. they will be giving us any minute a detail. any updates we will provide to you. >> pam: thank you, we will look for the latest information. and we will bring you the latest and all those details on our newscast at 11:00 p.m. and a
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arrest has been made out a hit and run that left a mother and her two young children hurt in pittsburgh. this is his picture he was taken into custody with felony hit and run in connection to last night's incident. it happened on the crested butte near leland in pittsburgh. she was walking with her stroller at her seven year-old was on a bicycle. all three are expected to recover. >> another big issue right now for derivers. gasoline prices. prices continue to climb across california. here's a look at how much drivers are paying for a gallon of gas on average. in the bay right now. in san francisco, 3-93 -- in oakland, 3-86 -- and in san jose, an average of 3-87. kron4's dan kerman explains the drastic jump. >> reporter: higher and higher and higher the price of gas continues to spike
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across the nation california more so than anywhere where a gallon of gas is up an average of 20 just in a week last week in san francisco the average price was 3.72, now the average is 3.93 in oakland the average price last week was 3.64, now it's 3.86 and in san jose the average price last week was 3.65, now it 3.87 but robert mccullough with mccullough research says none of those things should cause the price to spike 20 cents. there have been a lower supply on the east coast, the switch over from the
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winter blend. and it the supply of oil however,mccullough says there are two more nefarious explanations for the price there is no reason why this should impact these prices this much in a short amount of time. the price should be lower, not hire. either they are playing monopoly it is illegal or they are price- fixing which is truly illegal. >> reporter: four months, they have asked for a federal investigation. so far, nothing has happened. in san francisco, dan kerman, kron 4. >> pam: it's no surprise that drivers are not at all pleased with this gas price hike. but are finding their options limited. kron4 spoke with drivers with how their dealing with the increase. >> i've noticed the increase in the past week. and i said
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oh my gosh! what happened and i guess i will have to work more. over time. that is going to be my only way out. >> i am going to have to drive less. other than that i guess i'm going to have to deal with it. >> we have a league where you can find the lowest prices it is on our website. just click on gas prices and at the bottom. >> temperatures were a lot cooler than what we saw today. livermore, 55 degrees. 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. 56 in pleasanton. along the coast it was about the same. 54 in san francisco and mid '50s for the south bay. right now, temperatures are hovering in a number of
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locations. mostly sunny. we have cooler conditions possible when the rental returns to the forecast will time it out on futurecast. and even snowfall. to many americans, high-end private and public universities don't come across as "budget friendly."but, as alison kosik explains, a new study finds some of the most prestigious schools in the country may actually give you the most for your money. >> reporter: swarthmore college may be a pretty selective school but it's price tag isn't as scary as you may think. a new survey from the princeton review has labeled it the number one "best value" private college in the country. university of virginia was ranked as the top public school. the list identifies 150 public and private colleges where students got the most bang for their buck. it was determined on criteria like admissions,
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cost and financial aid. following swarthmore on the private school list -- harvard came in at the number two spot. princeton were third and fourth, followed by liberal arts college pomona. as for public schools - university of north carolina came in second. the new college of florida, william and mary and u-c-l-a rounded out the top five. the review finds that fewer than half "best value college" students took out student loans as undergrads -- and their debt loads were much lower than national averages. for many of them - federal and private grants go a long way, when paired with student aid. it helps bring the average cost of attendance for freshman at public schools on the list, to about 10- thousand-dollars. that's almost half the initial 19-thousand-dollar price tag for a top notch education. talk about a bargain. i'm alison kosik in new york coming up the speakerand speedig
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people -- in people behaving badly
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now for today's market update. stocks gain back most of what they lost during monday's selloff. thanks to several strong earnings reports and a surge in home prices. >> on wall street. the dow picked up 99-points to close just shy of 14-thousand. the nasdaq gained 40-points. and the s-and-p-500 rose 15- points to close above 15- hundred. personal computer maker dell is going private. in a deal led by it's founder and a group of investors that includes microsoft. the company is selling itself for 24-point-4 billion dollars. one of the largest buyouts ever. it's ending its nearly 25- year history as a publicly trade company. founder michael dell will remain the company's c-e-o and its largest shareholder. dell struggled in 2012, losing a third of its market value and failing to keep up with rivals apple and samsung.
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>> real-estate mogul donald trump is suing talk show host bill maher for five- million-dollars. it all spawns from a joke maher made about trump on jay leno's "tonight show" last month. maher said he would fork over 5 million to charity if the billionaire could prove he wasn't part orangutan. trump, in turn, presented maher with his birth certificate as d-n-a proof he is 100 percent human. now, trump wants maher to pay up, citing a breach of contract. maher has since posted a tweet laughing off the claim. and jeremy lin with reporters in houston. and colin kaepernick and jim harbaugh give their final thoughts as the football season comes to a close. all of your sports, coming up.
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(male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> we were actively catching
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speeders. this man, had to finish his phone conversation, before the police could ask for his washington driver's license. if you have a comment or story idea for stanley, you can email us at m >> jacqueline: we are going to see big changes. tomorrow, some areas of fog and mild conditions. as we go towards thyrse a cooler with rain in the forecast. showers lingering. more on the rain but first, temperatures. we will see clearer skies with 33 in napa, concord, there is in redwood city. 40's in san jose. temperatures will be in the upper 50s for the most part with the exception of the coast. low 60s for
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portions of the north bay. as we take a look at the satellite and radar clear skies. that cloud coverage has forced to the south. it will be dropping in on thursday let us take a look at futurecast. for the early hours we will see showers with the main band of rainfall. they will press through san francisco and the east today. and here comes that main band of rainfall. pushing through santa rosa. it be racing to the north bay, golden gate in san francisco. even towards hayward, moderate. moderate through friday morning. as for the sierras, we're expecting snowfall. that would be a good weekend to go to the sierras. with one half of
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snowfall expected. we do have that snow and rain with that one system pushing through for the next several days. thursday, friday a rebound with temperatures and more sunshine. no, we do not have a lot of snow to talk about alpine meadows has 65. if you'd like more information
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one big one >> this is tough. we have been interlocked together. it is like leaving a family. we have a great year. it was not our time, it was not our time. from where we were and this year, we have a next step is all about progression. and now, we have to a faith in next year. >> and we pretty much have this memorized it looks like he was held. does anybody want to say that championship teams to not fall behind. 28-6. anyway,
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everybody was in a nice way raft this was not a hostile conference. when harbaugh. was talking aboutharbaugh animated on one of the more animated >> what my thoughts are now. and as we came up short. certainly, knowing how we did not get the ball and. i would have liked to a tried. a different scenario. >> would have, could have. >> the first time gm held a press conference without his hat on alex smith he wants out. and he says that we are going to try to get something in return. it will be wait and see it but let us get him some respect let us listen.
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>> he was able to manage his own destiny and we feel great about our quarterback situation. and did not they get any player has those issues granted. >> here is if jim harbaugh again and with 160 million viewers got to see him but
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much of the if you are asking about might sideline etiquette? the mufti' feestheser networks are asking is when they have to worry about. just do not bring more attention to himself by blowing himself off. as for alex smith? we will see how it goes with him, but he will probably go on his way. >> he also has a bigger area. and what they should
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have done is a switch and have the parade here. have the baltimore ravens break, here. 200,000? we would have had a much better turn out if there parade was here. read lesrare his name is ray lewis.... this is the year for the baltimore ravens, this is our time. and there we go. if i am a 49ers and i would turn it off right now. >> it is great if you went. >> the warriors, blowing it out, jeremy lin with the
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houston rockets it just went crazy. with 14-3 pointers in the first half. they are doing it and doing it to death. curry with a half- court shot. still, 75-62. with five three-pointers. and the warriors are blown out but the rockets with 23 three-pointers. but if jackson does not want him to break the record. and look at this. every time the had the ball, they fold. and no offense but the warriors had one for in a row. and who is the most disliked man in sports? coming up, next
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>> forbes magazine. ta'o or winter armstrong is a tie for the most disliked athlete
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when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. experience thehas your ticket pressure-relieving comfort


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